Clinical Services
Our highly trained, registered professionals can provide a wide range of clinical tasks.
One hour consultation with Executive Nurse
We believe in the importance of using both qualitative and quantitative data when consulting with a patient. A qualitative assessment focuses on the patients experience. We then combine this with a wide range of quantitative data collected by a range of physiological tests conducted during the hour we spend with you
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Intramuscular (IM) / Subcutaneous (S/C) administration
An intramuscular (IM) injection is the administration of medicine given into a muscle. A subcutaneous (S/C) injection is the administration of medicine given into subcutaneous tissue (fat)
All medication must be prescribed by a registered professional.
Intravenous (IV) therapy
Our experienced nurses are highly skilled at delivering IVs to administer medication via a number of routes (Peripheral cannula, PICC, Port-a-cath)
Rehydration fluids
Antibiotic therapy (short and long term)
Biologics (e.g. Infliximab)
All medication must be prescribed by a registered professional.
Phlebotomy (blood test)
We can perform blood tests via a number of routes:
Venepuncture - The usual way a blood test is taken by the puncture of a vein with a sterile needle.
Venous Access Devices (VAD) - We possess the ability to use a number of VADs including PICC lines and Port-a-cath.
We can use request forms from patients own clinicians or can provide tests with our associated lab. We can also aid with transport samples or can provide tests with our associated laboratory in London.
Pathology sampling
We can perform other pathology sample collection via a number of routes:
Drain fluid
Swabs (wound, throat, sexual health etc)
We can use request forms from patients own clinicians or can provide tests with our associated lab. We can also aid with transport samples or can provide tests with our associated laboratory in London.
Wound management
We can treat and dress a number of acute and chronic wounds
Post-surgical wounds
Infected wounds
Negative-pressure wound therapy (VAC)
Urinary catheter care
We are experienced in various aspects and types of urinary catheter care
Urethral catheter care (+ insertion of catheter)
Suprapubic catheter care
Intermittent self-catheterisation (on-site teaching)
Trial without catheter (TWOC)
Urostomy / Nephrostomy care
Venous Access Device (VAD) management
Long term venous access devices are becoming an important part of health care today. Our nurses are competent in using different types of VAD.
Proper home care of a venous access device involves regular irrigation with a drug called heparin to prevent clotting and regular redressing to keep the site clean and device free of infection; special attention must be paid to a using a sterile technique
Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC)
All medication must be prescribed by a registered professional.
Drain management
Drains may be left ‘in-situ’ following surgery and for a number of reasons. We are experienced in managing, teaching and regular dressing
Open drains (corrugated drains or plastic sheets)
Closed drains (abdominal drains)
12-Lead Electrocardiogram (ECG)
We can provide a 12-Lead Electrocardiogram in the convenience of your own home. Each ECG will come standard with a report from our associated cardiology partners.
24, 48 hour and 7 Day Holter Electrocardiogram
ECG-Patch is a wearable, waterproof, reusable, rechargeable ECG monitor that is used with a disposable waterproof single use “patch” electrode. Our reports are written in GP friendly language and are accompanied by high-resolution ECG recordings.
Ambulatory Blood pressure monitoring (ABPM)
Blood pressure is tested automatically around every 30 minutes over a 24-hour period using a cuff attached to a portable device worn on the waist.
ABPM can help to give a clear picture of how your blood pressure changes over the course of a day.

Health Screen
Learn more about our health monitoring and screening services.