Your immune response to COVID-19 is roughly 50% Antibodies and 50% T-cells
We can test both your Antibodies and T-Cells to give help give you an understanding of your immunity to COVID-19.
Current Understanding
Source: UK Government 2021
Previous infection or partial-course immunisation is highly likely to provide protection from severe symptoms in those who are subsequently infected, but less effective at preventing symptomatic disease when infected by VOCs, such as Delta.
It is almost certain that variants will continue to emerge and that the protective effect of prior exposure or vaccination will be reduced against at least some of these variants.
For example, data suggest there is an approximate 10% reduction in protection from infection after full-course immunisation for the Delta variant when compared to the Alpha variant
T-cells are believed to last for longer whereas antibodies may wane over time. T-cell derived response is equally important in response to SARS-CoV-2, particularly for moderation, but is far more challenging to assess. A wholly T-cell driven response to SARS-CoV-2 is rare, and antibody testing remains the most accessible marker of immune response.
COVID-19 Immunity Package
A registered nurse will come to your home to take the required blood samples, from a vein, and safely deliver back to our laboratory
Understand your complete immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection by testing for both antibodies and T cells
Our Anti-S test confirms previous infection and/or response to vaccination (Quantitative)
Our T-cell test assesses the cell-mediated immunity to SARS-CoV-2 (Qualitative)
Get your results in a week, including a telephone consultation to discuss your results
Our team will help you mitigate risk when it comes to keeping yourself safe against COVID-19
What are T-cells?
T cells are part of what produces an immune response. There are two types of T-cells that work either by helping to orchestrate immune responses and activate B cells to release antibodies or kill the host cells that have been infected with bacteria or a virus.
So what are antibodies?
An antibody is a protein formed and released from specific B cells in response to a signal from a helper T cell. Antibodies attach to antigens, proteins on the surface of pathogens. They can also inhibit movement or stop some viruses from forming essential proteins.
Should I have a T-cell or antibody test then?
Ideally, both! A Roche quantitative antibody test is helpful post-infection and post-virus. But antibody testing tells half the story and research suggests that antibody immunity to COVID-19 declines over time. Also, some people who have had a COVID-19 infection or vaccine do not produce detectable antibody levels at all. A T-cell test will help give a more complete picture of your immune response.
What does having a T-cell test add to what I learn from my antibody test?
The T-SPOT.COVID test assesses the cell-mediated immunity to SARS-CoV-2. Understanding cell-mediated immunity may help to better understand the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection, especially in individuals who do not produce a detectable antibody response, or whose antibody responses have waned over time. The only way to understand the complete immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection is to test for both antibodies and T cells.
When should I have the COVID-19 T-Cell test?
It is not yet known exactly when T cells can be detected after infection. However, research suggested T-cells can be detected at 7 – 14 days post-infection and 4 – 6 weeks post-vaccination.
How accurate is the T-spot.COVID test?
Positive agreement has been shown in a recent study of T-SPOT.COVID test and PCR of 96.6 % (84/87) at <60 days after positive PCR result, and 83.3% (40/48) at >60 days after positive PCR result.
When should I have the COVID-19 T-Cell test?
It is not yet known exactly when T cells can be detected after infection. However, research suggested T-cells can be detected at 7 – 14 days post-infection and 4 – 6 weeks post-vaccination.
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