COVID-19 PCR Swab Testing


Our PCR swab test is the only test which is universally accepted by all airlines including Emirates, Thai Airways and British Airways.

The time of booking varies and is dependent on the country of travel. While most countries are happy to accept our certification when boarding your flight or landing at the destination others will require you to submit the PCR certificate prior to travel. Please ask your airline agent/carrier if you require a PCR Swab test before you travel

Please fill out your details and someone will contact you on the contact number provided.

Getting Your Mail Test Kit

If you order a kit before 12:00 midday, Monday to Friday this will be shipped the same day and should arrive with you within 24 hours. Orders placed after 12:00 midday, Monday to Thursday will be shipped the following day, arriving with you within 48 hours of your order. Orders placed after midday on Friday, will be dispatched on Monday.

Getting Your Results

In general, once your test arrives at our lab facility you should have a result emailed to you within 48 to 72 hours. Please ensure this meets your travel requirements prior to ordering. In particular please take weekends into account as there is a drastically reduced service available at weekends.

What should I do if my covid-19 PCR swab test is positive?

If your covid-19 PCR test is positive, please follow the national guidelines. You and your household will need to isolate and cancel your travel.For more information go to the NHS covid-19 website. Do not visit a health centre such as a hospital, Clinic, GP surgery or Pharmacy unless instructed.

What should I do if my covid-19 PCR swab test is negative?

A negative PCR test means that you were not infected with covid-19 when you took the test. If you have no symptoms, you can continue with your travel plans as normal with the approved fit to fly lab results.