Your Personal Healthcare Team

Livaware is an innovative nurse-led team that aims to develop sustainable improvements in personal health and care quality.

Priding ourselves on anticipating and filling the gaps in people's healthcare; we combine clinical excellence, precision organisation and compassion into a one-of-a kind service.

We aim to provide a truly individualised healthcare experience to every single person.


Healthcare Concierge

A one-of-a-kind, subscription-based, nurse-led advisory and healthcare service available to individuals, families and businesses to reduce the mental, logistical and emotional load when navigating healthcare.

Our concierge team is available 24/7 to answer members healthcare-related questions, providing expertise, clarity and reassurance.


Clinical Home Care

Our nurse-led clinical team provides expert preventative, rehabilitative and palliative care. Whether you need us to visit your home on a drop-in, shift, or live-in basis, we pride ourselves on filling the gaps in people's healthcare.

“We hear much of the importance of nursing, and for me Hemmen is testament to its vital importance. Should I fall ill again I would scream, stamp my foot and call for Hemmen.”

Stephen Fry (Comedian, Actor, Writer)


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