COVID-19 IgG antibody Test


Antibody tests are used to detect antibodies to the COVID-19 virus to see if it’s likely that you have had the virus before.

The test works by taking a blood sample and testing for the presence of antibodies to see if you have developed an immune response to the virus.

Antibody tests differ to virus swab tests, which test to see if you currently have the virus. An antibody test cannot test if you currently have the virus.

There is no strong evidence yet to suggest that those who have had the virus develop long-lasting immunity that would prevent them from getting the virus again.


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Home visit

£119 per test

A registered nurse comes to your home to collect the sample, arranges delivery of sample to lab and you get your results in 24hours

A £89 visit fee applies per household.

Same day courier charges may apply.

All tests are processed by an UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) approved laboratory. These laboratories are also used by the NHS and Public Health England.

Once the results are processed, a GMC registered doctor will issue a signed laboratory certificate.

Please fill out your details and someone will contact you on the contact number provided.

Why antibody tests are useful

The value of antibody tests is currently limited to:

  • answering the question of whether someone has had the virus before

  • providing data and a greater understanding on the spread of the virus

What an antibody test cannot tell you

An antibody test cannot tell you:

  • if you’re immune to coronavirus

  • if you can or cannot spread the virus to other people

There is a different test to check if you have coronavirus now. Whatever your antibody test result, you must continue to follow the same guidelines as everyone else to protect yourself and others from the virus.

What your antibody test result means

If you’ve had a coronavirus antibody test, there are 3 types of result you can get:

  • positive

  • negative

  • void

You should get your result within 3 to 7 days of taking the test (usually by text or email).

Positive antibody test result

A positive result means the test did detect COVID-19 coronavirus antibodies so it is likely you’ve had coronavirus before (even if you can’t recall having symptoms). It is not possible to say when.

It does not mean you are guaranteed to be immune (protected) from further infection. You might get the virus again.

It does not mean you cannot spread the virus to others.

Negative antibody test result

A negative result means the test did not detect COVID-19 coronavirus antibodies so it is unlikely you’ve had the coronavirus before.

However, it is possible to have had the virus and receive a negative antibody result. This can happen for some people because they do not develop antibodies, or their level of antibodies is too low for the test to detect.

Void antibody test result

A void result means the test did not work.

There are many potential reasons for this and it’s not possible to tell you the exact one. For example, it could be a problem with the test kit, how the test was carried out (like the blood sample collected was too small) or there was a delay between taking the sample and the lab checking it.

A void result is still important for research purposes.